Creation of a visual library

Hey guys, I have involved myself in drawing module so much that, couldn’t update my blog post. So, as you know from a previous post, that I am a busy person who has to manage between work and hobby. I got some time this week so I completed my module 2 assignment. As a beginner at art, it was very difficult for me to complete this assignment. The fact is it is still under the process. I am trying very hard to get well with the basic principles of the drawings. I am observing things and try to make them.

All the above drawings I made are the basic object using the traditional method of drawing. Then I made some of the drawing using graphic tablets.

I know they look awkward but you know it’s for practice and what to expect from a beginner, I am doing a lot of hard work and practice.

I am practising like a student who desperately needs marks to pass the test.

Online classes are guiding me very much. It is because of their guidelines and advice helped me drawing the object and characters I want to draw.

At the end of this post, I would say:-

Hard work is the most reliable path to get success in life. Every goal can be achieved by working hard. Our hard work will surely pay off sooner or later. So we should never lose hope and work hard to fulfil our dreams in life.

Respect as an individual and always being kind .#Sushant Singh Rajput

Date 14 June 2020, it was Sunday and I was taking rest in my family home. I heard the vibration on my cell phone, I checked the screen it was a message from my boyfriend. He texted me that Sushant Singh Rajput the actor in Bollywood has died.

I said to my boyfriend, that it could be fake news of social media..but then he confirmed and said, it’s trending all over in social media and tv news.

I have not seen any of his movies, except- the movie Chhichhore and Shud Deshi Romance.

I was also shocked. In fact, I ran upstairs to my elder sister to tell her because I have seen the actor from the time of tv series called Pavitra Rishta.

We searched for every news channels, everything which could update us on news related to the late Actor.

I know the death of a person really change everything. It was huge news.

All the social media and tv networks were reporting that the actor was in a depression and due to that killed himself.

I am just a fan. But I do have my own personal experience with depression and anxiety.

I know people won’t understand until they face it.

I am currently working as an accountant and I have seen a lot of it, there are politics, gender discrimination and judgmental opinions are all made by the people. They comment ruthlessly to make us feel less.

Even people who act like your friends are in reality are the same who would take advantage and move out of your life like guests.

All the things I learned with my experience due to this I never want to trust anyone. Even when they say so.

I know that people are not bad it’s just their nature of survival that made them so heartless and selfish.

I am surviving because of my instincts and blessing of my family and real friends.

I just want a happy life and I do some act of kindness whenever I get a chance.

People won’t understand, it’s their fault, not my duty to make them understand every time.

Whatever bad things happened with the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput had created a great impact on his fans.

I too feel the loss of a good actor and I really respect him as a good human being who was kind and helpful. God bless his soul.

PS:- I just wanted to say that everyone has some tough times. Sometimes they can’t share it with anyone. Just be kind to them.

The little girl and the ninja.

Hey guys. It fresh beginning from now on. As you know, I wanted to learn different forms of art and was a bit confused with the basics. I decided to start with fundamental but I didn’t know how should I do.

And then I decided to join online tutorials classes.

I am basically interested in storyboarding, character design, and animation. This online course is a very good chance of getting knowledge and abilities.

I have completed the first module of the class and it was really interesting. I can draw characters of my choice.

I practised with the simple character of a little girl and then I draw a ninja.

The things that I learned during this session is very important for an artist.

Before drawing any object the necessary things which every artist should keep in mind are as follows:-

1: Drawing with basic shapes and forms

Every object and character we are drawing we see has some basic shape and form. As an artist, we first recognize the structure and form. This different object has multiple sides and perspectives. And artist needs to study and observe those forms.

2: Dimensions and shadows.

Light and shadow have a great role. While drawing any object Lights and shadows play a great role. It helps in showing the volume and dimensions. In character drawing, the subject should be drawn in 3D/2D and multi-dimensional.

3:Detailing of subject

It is necessary to detail the object with textures and material.

I learned that to draw any object one should see like an artist. Which include detail studying of an object, shapes, and observations. It is called an art study.

A person can not become an art creator without a study.

Art study is a continuous process and the creation of Art is the result of the study.

This online course is definitely is a good way to start my training as an artist. I hope till my next module, I will bring more improvement and clearance in drawing methods.

Readers, please share your opinion about how can I improve my drawing skills and you can also share your experiences. I accept your feedback regarding the advancement of my skill and how I can make development in this blog.

Lots of good wishes.

When you miss support in life. You have no interest.

A couple of days ago I was crying in my bed. Because I was feeling alone in my room and as well in my life. Sometimes you feel like you don’t belong anywhere.

It is like there is no place and no person, with whom you could share your problem and your feelings.

Although I am not so alone it’s was just a phase of my life because due to the quarantine period I couldn’t visit my family and lover for almost two and a half months.

I called my boyfriend and told him I really want to meet him. And he said that he will come soon to meet me.

I was so depressed… I prayed that the government should start a public bus service soon… Well, they have not started yet.

This series of events make the person feels helpless. I couldn’t concentrate on my work in the office nor at any new plan.

Well, I tried some small exercises of drawings, but I made a doodle of it instead.

After that, I thought it won’t work like this… The original inspiration comes from life. If you feel inspired and motivated then only you can work.

I needed some time with my family so I decided to visit them this weekend.

The support of your loved ones makes your life good. It inspires you in doing new things. So now I am happy as I have visited my family home which is my power source. Now I am ready to take new challenges. and I am going to publish them soon.

Creative as child (practice Day 1)

When I was a child. I was more creative compare than I am today. I think with as we grow up the fear of being criticized has taken over that imagination and creativity.

If now you asking me to paint and sketch anything now. I can’t it make without seeing that object .But when I was child , I was able to sketch anything without seeing.

It’s so irony that now I want to make sketch and painting like kid. So I decided to draw things that I used to paint during my childhood days.

First I made Mushroom drawing in my sketchbook. It wasn’t so as easy I thought. After makeing basic drawing, I needed to color it. Coloring is very difficult for me. I didn’t have the types color tools that I wanted ie pastel colors.

I managed to get some pencils colors set that were kept in my drawers. It was not easy for me to color. I knew I have made mess.

Now I know I need more practice in coloring and shading.

I thought 🤔 if I should make this picture as a digital painting…. On the other side my brain was like-“let take this into some other level mess.”

The things I learned during this practice session are :-

  • I need some new color sets.
  • I need to practice coloring also.
  • I need focus on digital painting also. Which means more tutorials and practices.

It was fun.I could paint like kid once again. I thought continue this type session so that I could become more creative.

PS :- I am grateful to all readers for reading my previous post.

Time for Art

After writing my first post it took me several days to come up with next topic for the post.

Because I am still a newcomer.I want to share how I have started practicing art.

I am doing job. My profession is totally different from art. It is something which require lot of focus. It takes so much time that I can’t even think about myself. But then, whenever I get some time, I do something .

This Sunday I watched many tutorials on Arts and basic drawings skills . I still don’t know from where I should begin with.

Whether I should begin with very basic training like drawing shapes and lines. Or I should try with something I could match and level up my skills.

It was very confusing for me to start my training session. But then I thought of starting with basic training.

I bought some drawing supply to begin my drawing training. Like pencils, sketch book, blender etc.

Drawing with hands is quiet different from using digital tools. And I am bad in both the methods.

I am still practicing very hard. But the thing what I learned during this practice session that both of these methods i.e drawing from hand and digital painting required lot of time and practice.

It was my first week. The things I learned during this session were important and helpful.

If any my reader are interested in arts, they can also help me.

I know it’s just basic but I am learning.
I used regular drawing tablet for drawing this.
Still object drawing using regular drawing tablet.

How do you feel art ?

Honestly speaking to my readers I want say that – “Yes, I am still a beginner.”

I have attended art session in my schools and colleges as hobbies.. But due to parent pressure I really couldn’t take Art as a subject.

I still regret it… Although after my post graduation ,when I was struggling with household work .I told my parents that I want to spend my time in learning new skill. So took admission in an institutions which provided training programs in digital art.

Try to draw my portrait.. I used regular drawing pad.

It was certificate course in 2d animation and graphics design. I was happy that finally I am doing something I always want to do.

I was really happy for 5 months. But during ending month of the course, something really unexpected thing happened.

I passed one of my job interview which was really unexpected. I got job of an accountant.. My parents want me to join the job. But I wanted to continue study my graphic design course.. In fact I wanted to take it as my career.

Did any of reader guessed what I might have decided ? Between a job, which my parents want me to do. Or a career that I want to pursue.

Obviously I don’t want to hurt my parents. I need to support them. They were who always have paid fees for my studies .

So I gave up arts but not totally.

I still do some doodles during free time. It something I want to keep alive in me.

Sometimes I try to draw my own portrait and sometimes I try to recreate things.

Art help me live. Although I have just begin learning Arts . But it helps me a lot to fight my inner stress.

So now want to ask my reader- how do you feel art ?

Please comment if you liked my post.