How do you feel art ?

Honestly speaking to my readers I want say that – “Yes, I am still a beginner.”

I have attended art session in my schools and colleges as hobbies.. But due to parent pressure I really couldn’t take Art as a subject.

I still regret it… Although after my post graduation ,when I was struggling with household work .I told my parents that I want to spend my time in learning new skill. So took admission in an institutions which provided training programs in digital art.

Try to draw my portrait.. I used regular drawing pad.

It was certificate course in 2d animation and graphics design. I was happy that finally I am doing something I always want to do.

I was really happy for 5 months. But during ending month of the course, something really unexpected thing happened.

I passed one of my job interview which was really unexpected. I got job of an accountant.. My parents want me to join the job. But I wanted to continue study my graphic design course.. In fact I wanted to take it as my career.

Did any of reader guessed what I might have decided ? Between a job, which my parents want me to do. Or a career that I want to pursue.

Obviously I don’t want to hurt my parents. I need to support them. They were who always have paid fees for my studies .

So I gave up arts but not totally.

I still do some doodles during free time. It something I want to keep alive in me.

Sometimes I try to draw my own portrait and sometimes I try to recreate things.

Art help me live. Although I have just begin learning Arts . But it helps me a lot to fight my inner stress.

So now want to ask my reader- how do you feel art ?

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