Time for Art

After writing my first post it took me several days to come up with next topic for the post.

Because I am still a newcomer.I want to share how I have started practicing art.

I am doing job. My profession is totally different from art. It is something which require lot of focus. It takes so much time that I can’t even think about myself. But then, whenever I get some time, I do something .

This Sunday I watched many tutorials on Arts and basic drawings skills . I still don’t know from where I should begin with.

Whether I should begin with very basic training like drawing shapes and lines. Or I should try with something I could match and level up my skills.

It was very confusing for me to start my training session. But then I thought of starting with basic training.

I bought some drawing supply to begin my drawing training. Like pencils, sketch book, blender etc.

Drawing with hands is quiet different from using digital tools. And I am bad in both the methods.

I am still practicing very hard. But the thing what I learned during this practice session that both of these methods i.e drawing from hand and digital painting required lot of time and practice.

It was my first week. The things I learned during this session were important and helpful.

If any my reader are interested in arts, they can also help me.

I know it’s just basic but I am learning.
I used regular drawing tablet for drawing this.
Still object drawing using regular drawing tablet.

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