Drawing Hands

Hands are a very important part of the human body.

When we draw a human character It is incomplete without hands. Thus, it is necessary to learn how to draw hands.

I practice drawing hand. And drawing hand is not easy. Specifically when you are learning the different hand actions and motions. It is quite tough and interesting.

Here are some of drawings which I made during practices.

Moving Hand Fist

Please suggest me how I could improve more of my drawings.

Next, I will be posting about another body part.

You can also suggest me topics that I should learn for drawing.

Drawing body part:- Head

In my previous post I discussed how I was learning human body proportion.

I also said that I am going to post about a different human body part.

So, in this post, I am going to discuss how I am learning about drawing the head.

Drawing human head.

I am learning to make the human head which is a very important part of the human body.

For a beginner like me drawing a static head is not so difficult thing. But what about drawing the head with different dynamic angles.

It was a very difficult task. I am still practising and it’s something which you should practice every day when you are learning to draw human characters.

Drawing head with dynamic angles was a very difficult assignment. And I tried to animate it also. Which is below:-

Animation of head .

So now you may have understood why drawing head in different dynamic direction is really difficult.

Only practising can help a digital artist like me.

Study Art in detail:- the human body proportion

Hello everyone, these days I am very much in Art classes. I practice art when I wake up in the morning and before going to sleep every day. I like it more than food. But the craving for learning art never ends.

The previous post was haphazardly posted because I was busy in completing assignments. This time I would make sure that each one of my readers could understand, what is to practice the art and to become the creator of art.

I have even made a page on Facebook and Instagram to keep everyone updated about my training. I hope some of you may follow me there too..

This week I am learning to make the human body. It’s very tough to draw as I am still in a learning process.

Human Body Proportion.

The assignment for this week was to learn the correct human body proportion.

I am really embarrassed by myself. I never thought, drawing a human body could be this much difficult.

I first took a reference image of my boyfriend. It was really funny I even send him this sketch.

My boyfriend

It was just a reference picture.

But the real challenge was to make the correct human body using the eight head human body proportion method.

Attempting drawing human body using Pinterest

We can draw the human body with a different proportion as everyone has different size and patterns. But drawing correct and proportionate was very difficult. So I took help from Pinterest images. There were a lot of images of human body which I have seen there.

The different techniques like manga, Disney’s and even some of the reference image was drawn by different artists too.

I just selected those reference pictures which were easier for me to understand. But as you all know, I am not so good at drawing and I am still practising. So, here they are:-

Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Drawing 3
Drawing 4

So, now you all can understand why practising hard is necessary.

While drawing I understand the eight head method of drawing human body proprotion is not so difficult to understand.

It is called eight head or eight points technique of drawing human body proportion. Because of the, each point is equal to one head, that we have to keep in mind while drawing a human body. Change can be made according to the ages, gender, and body structure.

In the end, I was able to memorise these eight head technique of drawing human body proportion. But I have to practice more for proper finishing.

I hope there are art students and artists like me who can guide me more about how to draw human body proportion.

In my next post I will discuss on how to draw different part of human body.

Creation of a visual library

Hey guys, I have involved myself in drawing module so much that, couldn’t update my blog post. So, as you know from a previous post, that I am a busy person who has to manage between work and hobby. I got some time this week so I completed my module 2 assignment. As a beginner at art, it was very difficult for me to complete this assignment. The fact is it is still under the process. I am trying very hard to get well with the basic principles of the drawings. I am observing things and try to make them.

All the above drawings I made are the basic object using the traditional method of drawing. Then I made some of the drawing using graphic tablets.

I know they look awkward but you know it’s for practice and what to expect from a beginner, I am doing a lot of hard work and practice.

I am practising like a student who desperately needs marks to pass the test.

Online classes are guiding me very much. It is because of their guidelines and advice helped me drawing the object and characters I want to draw.

At the end of this post, I would say:-

Hard work is the most reliable path to get success in life. Every goal can be achieved by working hard. Our hard work will surely pay off sooner or later. So we should never lose hope and work hard to fulfil our dreams in life.

The little girl and the ninja.

Hey guys. It fresh beginning from now on. As you know, I wanted to learn different forms of art and was a bit confused with the basics. I decided to start with fundamental but I didn’t know how should I do.

And then I decided to join online tutorials classes.

I am basically interested in storyboarding, character design, and animation. This online course is a very good chance of getting knowledge and abilities.

I have completed the first module of the class and it was really interesting. I can draw characters of my choice.

I practised with the simple character of a little girl and then I draw a ninja.

The things that I learned during this session is very important for an artist.

Before drawing any object the necessary things which every artist should keep in mind are as follows:-

1: Drawing with basic shapes and forms

Every object and character we are drawing we see has some basic shape and form. As an artist, we first recognize the structure and form. This different object has multiple sides and perspectives. And artist needs to study and observe those forms.

2: Dimensions and shadows.

Light and shadow have a great role. While drawing any object Lights and shadows play a great role. It helps in showing the volume and dimensions. In character drawing, the subject should be drawn in 3D/2D and multi-dimensional.

3:Detailing of subject

It is necessary to detail the object with textures and material.

I learned that to draw any object one should see like an artist. Which include detail studying of an object, shapes, and observations. It is called an art study.

A person can not become an art creator without a study.

Art study is a continuous process and the creation of Art is the result of the study.

This online course is definitely is a good way to start my training as an artist. I hope till my next module, I will bring more improvement and clearance in drawing methods.

Readers, please share your opinion about how can I improve my drawing skills and you can also share your experiences. I accept your feedback regarding the advancement of my skill and how I can make development in this blog.

Lots of good wishes.